I have really been enjoying testing and playing with muffin recipes. Each one seems to better than the last.
This week was Lemon Yogurt Muffins. I tweaked and turned a recipe I found, and then at the last minute I dumped a package of fresh blueberries in the batter. Who the heck needs sugar when you have fresh blueberries?!? I used Greek Yogurt for the added protein, and tons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. No fat, 127 calories, and 5g protein a muffin. What a great treat! Oh, and nothing more fun than pulling them out of the oven and having Jim and Paul walk in to taste!! Paul went to get Jim a napkin, and his response was, "for what, it's gone." I love having the house filled with happy taste-testers!!
No I don't just survive on muffins right now :) (I actually got more than one email asking me how I was able to be so small with all the muffins I eat...they are just my "treat") Last week I found this fantastic veggie mix by Seapoint Farms called Eat Your Greens. I used it as part of the vegetables in my weekly stir-fry. (Ken - you will be a HUGE fan). Really wonderful blend, for an easy green fix in your food. Although, it doesn't quite match the peppers I have been chopping up for my salads. I wasn't a total fan at first, but the prices for fruits and vegetables at Sprouts have been quite impressive. If you haven't been, definitely worth a visit. You can't get everything there, the fish selection is disappointing, but what you can get is very reasonable and very fresh. (I got my last batch of peppers, tomatoes, greens, apples, blueberries, and bananas there...all organic)
Bon Appetit, and Welcome to Springtime!